Kapur Wood

The genus Dryobalanops consists of nine species distributed over parts of Malaysia and Indonesia. For the export trade, the species are combined under the name Kapur.
The heartwood is reddish-brown and clearly demarcated from the pale sapwood. The wood is fairly coarse textured but uniform.  The heartwood is rated resistant to attack by decay fungi; it is reported to be vulnerable to termites. Kapur is extremely resistant to preservative treatment. The woodworks with moderate ease in most hand and machine operations. A good surface can be obtained from various machining operations. Kapur takes nails and screws satisfactorily.

Kapur provides good and very durable construction wood and is suitable for all purposes for which keruing (Dipterocarpus) is used. In addition, Kapur is extensively used in plywood either alone or with species of Shorea (lauan-meranti).


  • Family: Dryobalanops
  • Classification: Hard Wood
  • Air Density: 580-820



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